Recovery Coaching for EVERY Body
You don't have to play small anymore.
Stop drinking and shrinking - and start living.
Deep down, you know it’s not working anymore when:
You both want to AND don’t want to quit drinking, and this internal push-pull is exhausting.
You want to get off the dieting roller-coaster but keep finding yourself back on the ride.
Your experiences with drinking and with trying to control your body have eroded your trust in yourself.
You’re sick and tired of feeling that you’re failing and that it’s all your fault.
It can feel as if just when you’ve got a handle on it – the drinking, the “final” diet, the thing that will finally make you feel okay with yourself - it slips out of your grasp and you’re back to square one, but with even less energy and hope that you’ll ever get “there.”
You aren’t self-sabotaging for no reason. You’re choosing the pain that you know, instead of the fear that comes with letting go.
You might be worried that, by setting down the tools you’ve used to cope — alcohol, controlling food, exercise, changing your body — everything that’s still holding your life together will come undone.
What if I told you that it’s okay to let things fall apart, for a new and better life to come together?
Hi, I’m Lael — a Recovery Coach and Body Trust® Advocate. I support folks who struggle with their relationship to alcohol, food, and/or body. I know firsthand the breakthroughs that come with finally breaking free of the cycle of drinking, shrinking, and playing small. You’ve done an incredible job coping so far. But you deserve to build a life that you don’t have to run away or numb out from.
Life is meant for more than coping. And when you’re ready, I’m here to help you reclaim life on your own terms.
Supporting you while you reclaim your life.
Private coaching for those who want to explore what life could look like without drinking
and/or without struggling with their food & body image.
Beyond Shrinking & Drinking
A deep dive into the connections between drinking and dieting.
Worried that you're addicted to sugar or other foods?
Click Here for a Free Webinar all about it!
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